Being Raw.

I like for people to see me as
strong and confident, a blonde haired Eleanor Roosevelt. And while this may
come as quite a shock to some of you, I don’t always feel that way. Sometimes I
do and on those days I feel like I could take on the world, but more frequently
are the days when I get up and have no idea what to wear, and no energy to
smile at the people who won’t smile back. And I have decided that it’s time we all
stop pretending that we have it all together.
For so many of us, the most
precious parts of ourselves are buried deep beneath a façade. Every inch of us
itches to express all the things that are so carefully hidden, locked away in
the depths of our souls. We find ways to release those parts; maybe when we are
drunk, or through an annual emotional breakdown, or binging until the wee hours
of the morning. But what would it mean for us to welcome every sad, fearful,
weird part of ourselves. What if it didn’t take an overdose, or a panic attack,
or a suicidal thought to start listening to our hearts. Somewhere along the
line we have forgotten how to be raw. We have forgotten how to deeply connect
to each other, ourselves, our God. We have created this world where it is not
okay to be completely human and thus have denied the deepest parts of ourselves
in order to fit into it. 
This past January, almost the entire
U.S. had the flu. Some had the achy, coughy, fevery flu and others had the
nasty stomach flu. In both cases I kept coming across people who claimed they
had “food poisoning” or “seasonal allergies”. So that got me wondering why it
is sometimes so hard for us to admit when we are sick. Not only that, but there
are so many things that are so hard for us to come to terms with; For instance,
getting older. We spend so much time, energy, and money on creams and dyes and
laser treatments to pretend that things aren’t sagging or wrinkling or falling
out. And the truth is that I also don’t want
anything to sag and I don’t want to admit that I am sick or weak. I am afraid
of what people will think. 

That’s the underlying fear right? What will people
think of me? Will I be rejected if I am a real, vulnerable person? Is there a
place for me in this world if I don’t have abs, get the stomach virus, don’t
whiten my teeth, and can’t afford highlights? 

And so i leave you with this. You don’t have to create your place in this world, your deepest self perfectly fills the place that you were created for. So welcome that deepest self with open arms. After all, Jesus already has.

The Sweet Grace Of Jesus.

Today marks a momentous occasion. It is the day that I post my first official blog post EVER! And considering how long it took me today to create this thing, that is an incredible feat.

Anyhow, since it is Easter, I thought that I would start with some words on Grace…

Something about that word is so soothing, like a hot cup of tea for the soul. I think a lot about Grace because I know I would be lost without it. Grace, for me, encompasses love and forgiveness and undeserved kindness all in one. According to Webster, Grace means extending love and kindness to someone who is completely unworthy. 

Now I know that I am unworthy, but I also usually think that people who hurt me are way more unworthy. Especially in those moments where I am absolutely positive that I am right and the other person is wrong, which in all honesty is most of the time…

But there are certain instances when grace is more than just getting over your pride. There are times when the pain is so real, so deep, that extending grace seems out of the question; when your heart has been broken into a million pieces and you can’t seem to put them back together. But I am learning little by little that the first step to healing always begins with grace.

Recently I have been feeling challenged in this particular area of my life. I’ve been reading through the New Testament recently, more importantly, the gospels. And by the time I got to Luke, I had become very interested in Jesus’ relationship with Judas Iscariot (don’t lose focus I PROMISE this is not a bible lesson). Judas was a chosen disciple. But he also betrayed Jesus in a horrific way, delivering him to those who would crucify him. Jesus knew what he was planning, but he invited him to walk with him and eat with him. It is a stunning thing really, an unfathomable kind of grace. I am pretty sure I would just say “more for me” and pull his chair away from the table.

But it was in this Ahah! moment that I had a newfound love and respect for Jesus. He knowingly allowed Judas to get close to him, fully aware of the pain that would accompany his betrayal. That is Grace people. That is our biggest and most beautiful example of how we are to treat others.

All that I know is that I want to love like Jesus loved Judas. I want to extend grace to the people in my life who have hurt me the most. I want to run with my eyes fixed on Jesus so steadily that nothing else can cling to my heart.